
To empower and equip women to flourish along life’s journeys.

We desire women to know they are not alone and feel a sense of belonging so they can live passionately in their purpose. We strive to bring a message of bold love and authenticity as we connect in the communities we serve.


What We Do

  • Gather for Scripture studies that provoke personal stretching + growth along with insightful dialogue and new connections

  • Host fun and delightful events for women to connect + network as they let their light shine

  • Spread care + kindness in the communities we serve

  • Come alongside women who are going through a tough time to provide love, connection, care baskets + resources

We believe

We are called to be disciples; to shine light in our communities. We believe scripture is God-breathed, and we are to live in alignment with this foundation as our source for teaching. We can be made new despite our journeys, thanks to salvation; and we are called to be good stewards of our time, talents, and treasures.

Core Values

Core Values

Toss Confetti

Celebrate every season

let’s chat

Hold space for hearing and seeing others

make waves

Inspire rippling growth + connection between women of all ages

be rooted

With a firm foundation, live out love + grace

journey together

Unite in sisterhood for life

Our Founder’s Story

The idea to launch a women’s ministry outside the church began with the word flourish back in 2018, a time in my life when the definition and mindset it inspired were all I had to hold on to. “To grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment.”

Sometimes life throws you unexpected curve balls and this one was a doozy. As I began praying for and seeking a new purpose for my life after a heartbreaking loss, I set out with flourishing as my mission. My goal was to flourish personally and use my gifts and talents to help other women to flourish in their lives. Because each of us experiences a variety of hardships and tough circumstances, I hoped to lean into women so they could feel seen, heard, and valued and bring in some fun along the way.

While attending a women’s conference in Houston that year, I came upon a ministry looking for women leaders to start chapters in their local cities. I knew immediately that this was what I was being called to do. With a new curriculum in my hands, I began the Holland Propel Women’s chapter in Holland Michigan. In two years, over 100 women attended our studies held at our city library. As leaders, we began looking for what drew women to our group and thinking about other activities we could offer to enhance women’s lives. A safe space to overcome obstacles, lift each other up, give women a sense of hope for the future, and flourish personally. In October of 2021, The Flourish Society was born.

Today, The Flourish Society is in its third year. We continue to host bible studies, fun social events, toss kindness in our community, and are now in the process of building a multi-generational mentoring program. We are proud to bring a unique and inclusive women’s group, offering social and non-business-related gatherings for women of all ages. We hope you’ll join us!

With love + hugs,

Carmen Meurer